
Showing posts from May, 2012

Leadership & Management: Theories on Leadership

  Leadership Theories Great Man Theory ·    born a leader, you will be a leader. ·    e.g Pres.Diosdado Macapagal = Pres. GMA Leadership Trait Theory ·    leaders are born ·    leaders are discovered ·    leadership traits identified: - technical mastery - self confidence - intelligence - alertness - dependability - creativity - personal integrity - emotional balance - decisiveness - enthusiasm Contingency Theory ·    Effectivenesss depends on two interacting factors: leadership style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control and influence , 3 things are important: - leader - member relations - task structure - position of power ·    Most Favorable: - good leader – member relations - high task structure - high position power ·    Least Favorable: - bad leader – member relations - low task structure - low position...

Universal Principles of Biomedical Ethics

Universal Principles of Biomedical Ethics A.   Autonomy - the word comes from the greek autos (self) and nomos (governance). B.    Veracity - binds both the health practitioner and the patient in an association of truth. C.   Beneficence - the common English usage of the term beneficence suggests acts of mercy and charity, although it certainly maybe expanded to include any action that benefits another. D.   Nonmaleficence - most health care professional pledges or codes of care echo the principle paraphrased from the Hippocratic Oath statement “ I will never use treatment to injure or wrong the sick. E.    Confidentiality - is an important aspect of the trust that patient placed in health care professionals. F.    Justice - the maintenance of this ethical principle is seemingly is very simple in the abstract and complex in application as it looks at the concepts of fairness, just desert, and entitlements. G. ...


July 2012 nle tips funda View more documents from Mark Fredderick Abejo DOWNLOAD PROCEDURE: LIKE us on Facebook via our FACEBOOK PAGE widget FOLLOW us on Twitter via our TWITTER ACCOUNT widget SHARE this blog on your own Facebook and Twitter account  via SHARE IT widget POST your email address on the All For Nursing Facebook Page Wall CHECK your email regularly for the send copy of this document. NOTE: Widgets can be found on the right side portion of this BLOG THANK YOU SO MUCH.....    NEXT: JULY 2012 NLE TIPS - MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH NURSING

Communicable Disease: Diagnostic Test

DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Tetanus: WOUND CULTURE Meningitis: LUMBAR PUNCTURE Encephalitis: EEG Polio: EMG; Muscle testing Rabies: Brain biopsy (Negri bodies) Fluorescent rabies antibody test Dengue: TOURNIQUET test (Rumpel lead) Malaria: Malarial smear; QBC (Quantitative Buffy Coat) Scarlet: DICK'S TEST; SCHULTZ-CHARLTON TEST Diphtheria: SCHICK'S TEST; Moloney's Test Pertussis: Nasal swab; agar plate Tuberculosis: MANTOUX test Leprosy: SLIT SKIN SMEAR Pinworm: SCOTCH TAPE SWAB Typhoid: WIDAL'S test HIV/AIDS: ELISA; WESTERN BLOT; PCT: Polymerase Chain Reaction Test

Communicable Disease: Drug of Choice

DRUG OF CHOICE Tetanus: PEN G Na; TETRACYCLINE; (use straw, with meals)DIAZEPAM (Valium) Diphteria: PEN G K; ERYTHROMYCIN Pertusis: ERYTHROMYCIN; AMPICILLIN Meningitis: MANNITOL (osmotic diuretic); DEXAMETHASONE (anti-inflammatory); DILANTIN/PHENYTOIN (anti-convulsive); PYRETINOL/ENCEPHABO L (CNS stimulant ) Cholera: TETRACYCLINE Amoebic Dysentery: METRONIDAZOLE Shigellosis: CO-TRIMOXAZOLE Typhoid: CHORAMPHENICOL Rabies: LYSSAVAC, VERORAB Immunoglobulins: ERIG or HRIg Malaria: CHLOROQUINE Schistosomiasis: PRAZIQUANTEL Felariasis: DIETHYLCARBAMAZINE CITRATE Scabies: EURAX/ CROTAMITON Chicken pox: ACYCLOVIR/ZOVIRAX Leptospirosis: PENICILLIN; TETRACYCLINE; ERYTHROMYCIN Leprosy: DAPSONE, RIFAMPICIN Anthrax: PENICILLIN Tuberculosis: R.I.P.E.S. Pneumonia: COTRIMOXAZOLE; Procaine Penicillin Helminths: MEBENDAZOLE; PYRANTEL PAMOATE Meningitis: MANNITOL (dec. ICP) ; DEXAMETHASONE ( relieve cerebral edema) ; DIAZEPAM ( anticonvulsant) ; PENICILLIN Syphilis...

Communicable Disease: Causative Agents

CAUSATIVE AGENTS Tetanus: CLOSTRIDIUM TETANI Meningococcemia: NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS Rabies: RHABDOVIRUS Poliomyelitis: LEGIO DEBILITANS (Type I Brunhilde); (Type II Lansing); (Type III Leon) Dengue Fever: ARBOVIRUSES (Chikunggunya); (Onyong-nyong); (West Nile); (Flaviviruses) (Common in the Phil.) Malaria: PLASMODIUM (protozoa) P. Falciparum (most fatal); P. Vivax P. Malariae; P. Ovale Filariasis: WUCHERERIA BANCROFTI; BRUGIA MALAYI Leprosy: MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE Measles: PARAMYXO VIRUS German measles: TOGA VIRUS Chicken pox: VARICELLA ZOSTER VIRUS Herpes zoster: HERPES ZOSTER VIRUS Scarlet fever: Group A HEMOLYTIC STREPTOCOCCUS Scabies: SARCOPTES SCABIEI (itch mite) Bubonic plague: YERSINIA PESTIS Diphtheria: KLEBS LOEFFLER Pertussis: BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS Tuberculosis: MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS Typhoid: SALMONELLA TYPHI Cholera: VIBRIO CHOLERA Amoebiasis: ENTAMOEBA HYSTOLITICA Leptospirosis: LEPTOSPIRA Spirochete Schistosomiasis: Schistosoma jap...

Lecture Notes: OB Nursing Bullets

OB Nursing Bullets View more documents from Mark Fredderick Abejo

Exam Notes: MCHN - Antepartum Period PART 3

ANTEPARTUM 101. The nurse is planning care for a 16-year-old client in the prenatal clinic. Adolescents are prone to which complication during pregnancy? A. Iron deficiency anemia B. Varicosities C. Nausea and vomiting D. Gestational diabetes Rationale:  Iron deficiency anemia is a common complication of adolescent pregnancies. Adolescent girls may already be anemic. The need for iron during pregnancy, for fetal growth and an increased blood supply, compounds the anemia even further. Varicosities are a complication of pregnancy more likely seen in women over age 35. An adolescent pregnancy doesn't increase the risk of nausea and vomiting or gestational diabetes. 102. The nurse is caring for a client in her 34th week of pregnancy who wears an external monitor. Which statement by the client would indicate an understanding of the nurse's teaching? A. "I'll need to lie perfectly still...