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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

FON: Safety Precautions

Fall Prevention

■ Assess for risk factors: History of falls, ↓sensory perception, weakness, ↓mobility, ↓LOC, ↑anxiety, confusion, ↓mental capacity, meds (diuretics, opioids, antihypertensives).
■ Orient to bed and room; teach use of ambulatory aids and call bell; answer call bell immediately.
■ Keep bed in lowest position unless receiving care.
■ Raise 3 of 4 side rails; raise 4 rails if it is patient’s preference or there is an order (4 raised rails are considered a restraint).
■ Lock wheels on all equipment and ensure that equipment is intact.
■ Keep call bell, bedside and overbed table, personal items in reach.
■ Keep floor dry and free of electric cords/obstacles; use night light.
■ Encourage use of grab bars, railings, rubber-soled shoes.
■ Stay with patient in bathroom/shower (need MD order for shower).
■ Teach fall-prevention techniques (e.g., rise slowly).
■ Use monitoring device to signal attempt to ambulate unassisted.

Fire Safety

■ Stay calm; keep halls clear; do not use elevator; stay close to floor.
■ Know location and use of alarms and extinguishers.
■ Evacuate pts in immediate danger first and then ambulatory, those needing assistance, and finally bed bound pts.
■ Class A fire:Wood, textiles, paper trash; water extinguisher.
■ Class B fire: Oil, grease, paint, chemicals; dry powder and CO2 extinguisher; water will spread fire;  touching horn of CO2 extinguisher can freeze tissue.
■ Class C fire: Electrical wires, appliances, motors; dry powder and CO2 extinguisher.
RACE: Rescue pts in danger; Activate alarm; Contain fire (close doors/windows); Extinguish fire if small; Evacuate horizontally and then vertically.