
Showing posts from February, 2013

PNLE 2013 Update: New Schedule of PRC Nursing Board Exams (NLE) 2013, Deadline of Filing

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and Board of Nursing (BoN) announces that July and December 2013 Nursing Board Exam or Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE) has been moved to earlier dates. PRC-BON Resolution No. 2013-14 series of 2013 issued last February 15, 2013 states that the rescheduling of NLE was due to difficulty in securing appropriate examination rooms. So they had to move the nursing board exam in a schedule where there are no classes and exam rooms were readily available.  From July 6-7 (Saturday and Sunday) first batch of NLE for 2013, the commission moved dates to June 2-3 (Sunday and Monday). December 15-16 (Sunday and Monday) exam also moved to December 7-8 (Saturday and Sunday).  

Heath News: New Coronavirus / SARS Like Virus

A new respiratory illness similar to the Sars virus that spread globally in 2003 and killed hundreds of people has been identified three patients given treatment in Britain. What is this new virus? The new virus is a type of coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, which includes the common cold and Sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome). The new virus is not Sars. There have been 11 confirmed cases of the infection around the world.Three cases have been identified in the UK. The first was a patient flown in from Qatar for treatment. The second was linked to travel to the Middle East and Pakistan. Genetic analysis of the first UK case was carried out in a laboratory in Saudi Arabia, and its genetic material subsequently sequenced in a laboratory in the Netherlands.The second UK case was later shown to be genetically the same. It is thought that the virus which infected the second patient then spread to a close relative.

20 Different Types of Kisses

Want to discover some new ways to kiss your sweetie? Get some fun ideas from this guide to the different types of kisses. You're guaranteed to learn a new kissing style! 1. The French Kiss Probably the most famous kiss there is, the French kiss is an open-mouthed kiss where one person's tongue touches the other person's tongue. Also called a "tongue kiss," the French kiss easy enough to execute, but it can take years to master. For French kissing tips, check out the following guides: Here's How: Set the scene. Make sure that the mood and time are right. Relax! Take a deep breath and let go of any tension in your neck and shoulders. Put your arms around the person you want to kiss. Start off with a normal kiss, not too firm, not too aggressive. Closing your eyes is optional. In mid kiss, gently open your mouth and softly nudge the other persons mouth open using your tongue. Again, not too aggressively, move your tongue inside the other perso...

Love Talk: Technology Can Ruin Your Love Life

Here we show you five ways technology ruins your love life.   1. Technology makes you want to jump into bed too quickly According to a recent study conducted by Reuters, technology is causing us to jump into bed too quickly with people we like. The study found that those singles who contacted potential partners using Facebook and Twitter built up a false sense of intimacy. It is suggested that these superficial interactions then caused people to sleep with one another sooner than they would do had all of their interactions occurred face-to-face. Although you may not think that sleeping with someone you fancy is necessarily a bad thing, another study conducted by Cornell University found that couples who waited to sleep together reported having stronger, happier and more fulfilling relationships than those couples that did not wait. In part, waiting to have sex is thought to lead to a better relationship because couples got to know one another better and were better ab...

Chinese Astrology 2013 Prediction

Your Chinese Sign: SNAKE  2013 will be a good year for those of you who belong to the sign of the Snake. Hard work and patience will help you accomplish even difficult tasks with ease. Friends are likely to be helpful and will be there for you whenever you need them. Pending projects are likely to move ahead and you make progress on the work front. Marriage is on the cards for those of you who have been in a committed love relationship. Singles too may meet someone who makes you feel loved and adored. Travel is indicated to keep you busy towards the end of the year. This may either be related to work or breaks that you take with your close friends. Most Compatible With: Ox, Rooster, Rat, Dragon, Monkey.

Five Amazing Facts About The Human HEART

Lets start the Heart Month with this Five Amazing Facts of our HEART... .. 1. How the human heart functions Every day, your heart beats about 100,000 times, sending 2,000 gallons of blood surging through your body. Although it’s no bigger than your fist, your heart has the mighty job of keeping blood flowing through the 60,000 miles of blood vessels that feed your organs and tissues. Any damage to the heart or its valves can reduce that pumping power, forcing the heart to work harder just to keep up with the body’s demand for blood. So how do you make sure your heart is in tip-top shape? "Keeping your body in good health helps keep the heart a more efficient organ," Krasuski advises. In other words, eat healthy, well-balanced meals and don’t skimp on the exercise. 2. Male heart attack symptoms, female heart attack symptoms When it comes to matters of the heart, men and women definitely aren’t created equal. For instance, a man’s heart weighs about 10 ounces,...