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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Video Guide: Intradermal Injections


1. Assemble equipment and check physician’s order.
2. Explain procedure to patient.
3. Perform hygiene. Don disposable gloves.
4. If necessary, withdraw medication from ampule or vial.
5. Select area on inner aspect of forearm that is not heavily pigmented or covered with hair. Upper chest or upper back beneath the scapulae also are sites for intradermal injections.
6. Cleanse the area with an alcohol swab by wiping with a firm circular motion and moving outward from the injection site. Allow skin to dry. If skin is oily, clean area with pledget moistened with acetone.
7. Use nondominant hand to spread skin taut over injection site.
8. Remove needle cap with nondominant hand by pulling it straight off.
9. Place needle almost flat against patient’s skin, bevel side up. Insert needle into skin so that point of needle can be seen through skin. Insert needle only about ? inch.
10. Slowly inject agent while watching for a small wheal or blister to appear. If none appears, withdraw needle slightly.
11.Withdraw needle quickly at the same angle it was inserted.
12. Do not massage area after removing needle.
13. Do not recap used needle. Discard needle and syringe in the appropriate receptacle.
14. Assist patient into a position of comfort.
15. Remove gloves and dispose of them properly. Perform hand hygiene.
16. Chart administration of medication as well as the site of administration. Charting may be documented on CMAR, including location. Some agencies recommend circling the injection site with ink.
17. Observe the area foe sign of reaction at ordered intervals, usually at 24- to 72- periods. Inform the patient of this inspection.